Five Donts of Expository Essays

Expository essays are essays that are usually assigned to evaluate the writer’s compositional skills. Expository essays are long and comprehensive pieces of writing that explain the topic well. 


If the topic is about explaining some procedures, the essay may consist of the steps involved in the procedure. Similarly, if the topic demands a comparison, the essay will be comparing and contrasting the facts.

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So depending on the nature of the topic expository essay presents a piece of writing with arguments supported by facts and figures and presented with a decent course in a precised manner.


Like every other essay, expository essays also have some dos and don'ts. This article will discuss the five major don'ts of an expository essay.


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Don’t lose the focus from the main theme:

To make an essay, comprehensive writers sometimes forget the main theme and start explaining the supporting or side ideas in detail that the main theme gets lost in a crowd of the side ideas. 


So stay focused on your topic, and don’t let the supporting ideas take away the main idea, as this replacement will frustrate you as a writer while writing and leave the reader clueless about the topic.

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Don’t present opinions:

Expository essays are all about exposing facts. In an expository essay, the writer is expected to investigate an idea, evaluate the provided evidence, discuss the idea, and then present a balanced view. 


In an expository essay, there is no space for opinions. You can build your arguments with the support of the facts and findings, but you have no space to write what you personally think about the topic without any solid evidence.


So before writing an expository essay, equip yourself well with a great set of facts and figures to support your stance on the topic so that you do not end up questioning yourself who will write my essay for me?.

Don’t use first-person narration:

As expository essays are all about exposition and explanation of ideas and not about personal experience or feelings, the first-person narration would be considered illogical.


Most of the time, the expository essays explain the steps involved in certain processes or explain a certain topic that would be most appropriately done in third or second-person narration.


If the essay consists of instructions or guides about the procedure, the second-person narration is recommended.

Don’t omit basic details:

While writing an expository essay, don’t assume that your audience has a background knowledge of the subject or topic. Instead, consider your audience completely ignorant about the topic, and then write your essay. In this way, you will explain each and every point even if they are very basic. In addition, this approach will help you convey the topic’s details to the readers clearly.


For example, if you are writing a how-to guide about using a machine, do not forget to mention the placement of power buttons because higher chances are that your reader is a novice user of the machine. 


Similarly, the instructional manual should start with a very first step, even if you consider it basic enough to explain. 

Don’t complicate it:

Try to keep your expository essay as simple as possible, don’t stuff it with difficult vocabulary, lengthy sentences, and vague statements. Instead, try to be precise and to the point. Don’t drag your points. Instead, use common vocabulary to explain the topic. Avoid using technical terms. Explain your topic in the simplest possible way.


For example, if you are writing a news article about any specific topic, i.e., stock exchange, try not to use the stock exchange jargon. If your article is about changing trends in the stock market, write it in a way that even an ordinary shopkeeper can easily understand.

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